Thursday, December 10, 2009


In act 4, several key things happen to MacBeth on his quest for absolute power. To begin, he makes a journey to go visit the weird sisters again and hear what they have to say about his future. He meets up with them again and asks them for further prophecies. The witches tell him a few important bits of information. The first of which is that he must beware of MacDuff without further comment. The second of which included that his downfall will come from one that has no mother. Also, it was said that MacBeth's downfall would occur as the forest would walk upon the gates of his castle. Lastly, they tell MacBeth that Banquo still has a long line of kin yet. Upon hearing this news, he resolves to kill MacDuff. As MacDuff has left to find Malcolm, MacBeth sends assassins to take care of Lady MacDuff and their kids. Meanwhile, Malcolm is testing MacDuff to see if he is loyal to him and not a spy of MacBeth. As he passes, he and Malcolm plot to overthrow MacBeth and place the proper heir onto the throne. Also, at around this time, MacDuff receives news of his wife and children's murder. Outraged, he and Malcolm set out to build an army to bring down the tyrannous MacBeth.

The movie we plan on creating involves some creative thinking but nonetheless, I believe that we should make it as if it was really in the time of MacBeth but with modern English. We could shoot the battle scenes up Wiltse for the grassy mountainous region that might have been in the highlands of Scotland. I guess for the scenes indoors we could just use various locations around the school with "old" objects placed around the room such as lanterns and family crests on shields and such. I feel that the murderers definitely need to be cloaked figures with hoods. Their faces would hardly be seen in the same manner as the Nazguls from Lord of the Rings. They would ride up to their various targets without them noticing until it is too late and so on. As for Banquo's ghost in the banquet hall, I think that we should not actually show this ghost and just make it seem as MacBeth is going crazy and hallucinating. This would make the movie seem as it might actually take place. Same with the Witches. I don't think that they should spontaneously vanish randomly. Instead, they should just turn a corner and then be gone. I feel that we should make this movie feel as real as possible but still have some humorous content.