Tuesday, October 13, 2009

An Invention That Would Help The World

The people of the world cannot move around quickly enough to accommodate their lifestyle. Business people go to conferences and have to spend time away from their life at home and their families. Think if people could just be instantly whisked from their home to the conference and back again after the conference in minutes. A device that could instantaneously transport an object or a person would be greatly needed to help society in general not only for business people but also for the rest of the population who needs to be somewhere at a certain time or even for those people who just want to get away. This such invention could even be a device that is commonplace in all households and could take up little space. It would have a pad at the bottom on which the object or person would be placed and something that would hang overhead to initiate the actual transportation process. The science of this invention isn't quite there to say the least but dedicated specialists are working around the clock to make this revolutionary piece of equipment a reality. Some ideas put forward included a process which will break down the matter of the object to the atomic level and send it through a complex series of radio waves and microwaves which would move at a super fast speed. Once it reaches the desired location, it would re-materialize on the other pad and the process would be complete. Another researcher ventured an idea of transferring the object into another dimension where time an place has no meaning and bringing the object to the the correct location and move it back from the other dimension and it will have been brought to the correct location without ever moving. These complex ideas could somewhat seem far fetched but they could be possible in the near future due to advancing technology and the desire for the human race to complete this project. Scientists and researchers alike have named the project ITDP (Instantaneous Transportation Devices Project) and an international project was born and set in motion. So all the people of the world who need to go to exotic locations for conferences and meetings will no longer need to sit on a cramped airplane for ten hours just for a small discussion, spend many nights away from home and then back again. They would theoretically be able to leave five minutes before the meeting and still arrive in time for the discussion. Travelers could also benefit from this amazing creation. They could just go have lunch in the most exotic locations in the world as well as spend the weekend in the most remote locations on the Earth. The possibilities also wouldn't end there. Think if some of these ITDP prototypes would be placed on the moon or even on other planets inside or outside of our solar system. This invention would make travel limitless and revolutionize society for the better.

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever seen the movie "The Fly"? Your post reminded me of it. You might have a career in science fiction writing.
