Thursday, December 10, 2009


In act 4, several key things happen to MacBeth on his quest for absolute power. To begin, he makes a journey to go visit the weird sisters again and hear what they have to say about his future. He meets up with them again and asks them for further prophecies. The witches tell him a few important bits of information. The first of which is that he must beware of MacDuff without further comment. The second of which included that his downfall will come from one that has no mother. Also, it was said that MacBeth's downfall would occur as the forest would walk upon the gates of his castle. Lastly, they tell MacBeth that Banquo still has a long line of kin yet. Upon hearing this news, he resolves to kill MacDuff. As MacDuff has left to find Malcolm, MacBeth sends assassins to take care of Lady MacDuff and their kids. Meanwhile, Malcolm is testing MacDuff to see if he is loyal to him and not a spy of MacBeth. As he passes, he and Malcolm plot to overthrow MacBeth and place the proper heir onto the throne. Also, at around this time, MacDuff receives news of his wife and children's murder. Outraged, he and Malcolm set out to build an army to bring down the tyrannous MacBeth.

The movie we plan on creating involves some creative thinking but nonetheless, I believe that we should make it as if it was really in the time of MacBeth but with modern English. We could shoot the battle scenes up Wiltse for the grassy mountainous region that might have been in the highlands of Scotland. I guess for the scenes indoors we could just use various locations around the school with "old" objects placed around the room such as lanterns and family crests on shields and such. I feel that the murderers definitely need to be cloaked figures with hoods. Their faces would hardly be seen in the same manner as the Nazguls from Lord of the Rings. They would ride up to their various targets without them noticing until it is too late and so on. As for Banquo's ghost in the banquet hall, I think that we should not actually show this ghost and just make it seem as MacBeth is going crazy and hallucinating. This would make the movie seem as it might actually take place. Same with the Witches. I don't think that they should spontaneously vanish randomly. Instead, they should just turn a corner and then be gone. I feel that we should make this movie feel as real as possible but still have some humorous content.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I AM THE MESSENGER (Journal Entry)

"[Ed] think[s] it's the first chance in a long time the father's had to say thank you" (p. 165) and the reason for this is that he has developed into a person that has changed society in this case for the betterment of society. The father, used to giving advice and receiving thanks, has never been helped because of his selflessness in relation to those he helped.
Even the least motivated person in the world has some role in the existence of mankind. A homeless person on the street could alter life in a grandiose way. Just think if one person had seen him on the street and felt sorry for him, they could have ended up starting a movement to help get homeless people into houses and shelters and off the street. That movement could alter society all because of a seemingly useless homeless person. Ed in "I Am The Messenger" believed that he was one of these seemingly useless people with no place in the world. His job got him comfortable in his life and he didn't seek any betterment in his life. All of this changes as "everything stops to watch as [Ed] reach[es] in and pull[s] out... the Ace of Diamonds" (p.25). He is delivered the aces of playing cards with messages written on them. As he realizes these are messages which leads Ed to help people out in the town, he begins to change and develop into a better person, making an impact on the world just as others have done whether the President of the United States or that homeless person which ultimately led to a movement. Many people in modern day society don't believe that they have an impact on life. In the big picture of the evolution of society, everyone and everything will have or will alter something. If the apple was missing from the tree under which Isaac Newton was sitting, it would have never fallen on his head which wouldn't have led to him finding his theory of gravity. This could be seen as fate but in the end, these things all happened for a reason and were placed on this planet to make a difference. A simple child which was third born from a family of four children on a farm in a remote part of Scotland could grow into a great biologist and pharmacologist and discover penicillin just as Alexander Flemming did. He had a role in life which hugely impacted modern medicine. All from a simple child in a farming family. Also, if the robber from the bank hadn't been there when Ed was in the bank, Ed would have never acted and set the whole message thing in motion. In the end, Ed has an epiphany which leads him to see that he wasn't the messenger and he was rather the message being delivered which stated that even the least motivated and purposeless person has a purpose in life and can change society.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Google Review

Google is an easy to use and highly effective website browser and can search the Internet within fractions of a second. Google in general has revolutionized the way society can search the worldwide web. It has many features which other browsers do not have including it's browsing perks and it's e-mail function.
Primarily, Google has a clear and easy to use display and can look up almost everything that ever happened, will happen, or is happening now at this very moment. In the search bar, one would just type a keyword in the thing they wanted search and within milliseconds, a million different site options show up and are accessible within a click of a button. As well as that feature, Google can also bring up images in the same manner. One word will bring up millions of images that people around the world have put on various sites. Google will also bring the reader to the site that it got the image from as well if clicked on. As these pictures are readily accessible, people can look up photos from their dream vacation spots as well as pictures for any reason imaginable. People can also link the photo to some useful information with the site link option. Google also has a video option as well. This option allows people to look up the latest news, music videos and videos of their interest quickly and effortlessly without having first to got to a separate site such as YouTube and then browse that site. This option will display the newest or best videos as well as an option to browse any movie imaginable. To deal with travelers and geographical fanatics, Google also has a map option. This feature allows travellers to search their location of desire and in turn see it in a variety of map settings such as satellite and terrain. Once the person browsing has found their area of interest, this Google option allows one to see photos of this area and ultimately, directions to that location. This option allows intense world travellers to "visit" these various locations without actually being there. One could also use this option if they became lost in the company of a computer of a portable device with Internet access such as a Blackberry. The next exciting feature of Google is the rapid access to world news which is updated regularly. This allows people to be in tune with the happenings of the world and society.
As well as all all of it's browsing features which can enhance the overall effect of this site, it's e-mail option is a very useful feature which can ultimately allow the link to another site. G-mail is the link to Google that allows people to easily send messages and communicate. The layout is superior to other e-mailing sites as it is able to catagorize communications with various people as well as it is clearly layed out. It is easy to use and the average person can adopt this system over others. Additionally, G-mail can allow access to other sites and even are needed for some. One of these such sites that is G-mail is needed is this vary blog site as it required a G-mail account in order to create an account on this site. G-mail allows one to send mail from other computers without having to first access the inbox through other sites such as Shaw and Hotmail. This easy to use E-mail system is just a click away from the homepage and contrary to Microsoft Outlook, it does not have to be accessed from one certain computer. In that way, G-mail is much easier to use than other E-mailing sites.
In conclusion, Google is by far the greatest of the browsing sites available to the internet and by far the most popular. It's perks and it's e-mail function have changed the way society browses the modern day Internet. Google founded by Sergey M. Brin and Lawrence E. Page in 1998 has changed the way society looks at the Internet and has been set as a homepage to many surfers of the web.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

An Invention That Would Help The World

The people of the world cannot move around quickly enough to accommodate their lifestyle. Business people go to conferences and have to spend time away from their life at home and their families. Think if people could just be instantly whisked from their home to the conference and back again after the conference in minutes. A device that could instantaneously transport an object or a person would be greatly needed to help society in general not only for business people but also for the rest of the population who needs to be somewhere at a certain time or even for those people who just want to get away. This such invention could even be a device that is commonplace in all households and could take up little space. It would have a pad at the bottom on which the object or person would be placed and something that would hang overhead to initiate the actual transportation process. The science of this invention isn't quite there to say the least but dedicated specialists are working around the clock to make this revolutionary piece of equipment a reality. Some ideas put forward included a process which will break down the matter of the object to the atomic level and send it through a complex series of radio waves and microwaves which would move at a super fast speed. Once it reaches the desired location, it would re-materialize on the other pad and the process would be complete. Another researcher ventured an idea of transferring the object into another dimension where time an place has no meaning and bringing the object to the the correct location and move it back from the other dimension and it will have been brought to the correct location without ever moving. These complex ideas could somewhat seem far fetched but they could be possible in the near future due to advancing technology and the desire for the human race to complete this project. Scientists and researchers alike have named the project ITDP (Instantaneous Transportation Devices Project) and an international project was born and set in motion. So all the people of the world who need to go to exotic locations for conferences and meetings will no longer need to sit on a cramped airplane for ten hours just for a small discussion, spend many nights away from home and then back again. They would theoretically be able to leave five minutes before the meeting and still arrive in time for the discussion. Travelers could also benefit from this amazing creation. They could just go have lunch in the most exotic locations in the world as well as spend the weekend in the most remote locations on the Earth. The possibilities also wouldn't end there. Think if some of these ITDP prototypes would be placed on the moon or even on other planets inside or outside of our solar system. This invention would make travel limitless and revolutionize society for the better.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Top Three National Soccer Teams

The top three national soccer teams of all time are definitely the Netherlands, Brazil and Argentina. All have ranked extremely well in FIFA's men's national soccer team charts and have placed well in World Cups through the ages. They have also each had players on them which have impacted the team in a way that made them play the best their team could possibly have played.
To begin, the Netherlands is one of the greatest teams of all time for many reasons. The first of which includes their current number two position in the FIFA ranking chart for men's national soccer. They have consistently stayed in the top 20 positions and have been 2nd on two separate occasions one of which is their current position. On both of those occasions, it lasted for about five months. Even though the Dutch team has never won the FIFA World Cup, they have won the European Cup and they have been runners-up twice against Germany and Argentina. The Dutch team has had some great people on their team such as Johan Cruyff and Marco van Basten. Marco van Basten is the current coach on the dutch national team and was a pivotal player in the Euro cup win in 1988 against West Germany. Johan Cruyff is placed amongst the greatest players of all time and even now his famous pull back move is recognized by players worldwide.
To follow, Brazil is ranked as one of the best national teams ever by many soccer fans if not the best. Their current number one ranked position in the FIFA rankings speaks for itself. Since 1993, they have not strayed from the top five positions and have been number one on multiple occasions. Additionally, Brazil has won the FIFA World Cup a record five times and have won many of the South American Championships. It is also said that the best soccer players are made in Brazil and it is true. Probably the best player of all time played for Brazil. Pele was born and raised in Brazil and played in his first FIFA World Cup when he was 17 or 18. He has played in four World Cups and helped the team come out on top in two of them. Many other great soccer players have come from the Brazilian team such as Ronaldinho (player of the year on one occasion), Ronaldo, Kaka and many others.
Finally, the Argentina national team is one of the only teams in South America that can rival Brazil in the top teams of all time. Currently ranked in 8th position, Argentina has never dipped in ranking below 25th position. This incredibly skilled team has also been in 1st position before and has stayed in that position for almost a year. Argentina has won the FIFA World Cup twice and has done exceedingly well in it's continental competition rivaling Brazil and winning many events. Diego Maradona was an Argentinian bred soccer player who is talked about as one of the best of all time. He helped Argentina win one of the World Cup events and brought his team to victory on many separate occasions. Lionel Messi and Riquelme are also great Argentine players who helped them reach many of their wins.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Best Superpower

If I had to chose any one superpower that could possibly have, I would definately choose to have the ability to teleport from one location to another. This amazing superpower would give me the ability to go for lunch in Thailand instead of at South Main Market. It would allow me to travel the world over the weekend and see the many sights of the world and do many exotic things. I would be able to go visit my relatives who live in various European countries such as the Netherlands, France and Belgium as well as Quebec city (obviously not in Europe). As well as travel, this amazing power would allow me to get up later when going to places such as school. Instead of taking the bus down at 8:00am and waking up at 7:00am, I would be able to get up 15 minutes before school and just get ready and teleport down at the last minute. Other superpowers would get old and boring because they are so repetitive but not the ability to teleport. Take invisibility for example, this power would be good for spying and sneaking around but that is it and once you have done it for a while you would want a new power and get tired of that one. I could see that some would say that teleportation could get boring once you have seen all the sights but I think that there are so many sights in the world that you could never run out of places to go and things to do. Teleportation is the best superpower by far over any other superpower because of the many things you could do with it and the fact that it wouldn't get boring.